[dataset] Crowd Sourcing – Paraphrase

Language is the words we speak and write every day. Its main
function is to communicate with others and express our thoughts.
However, everyone often uses different words to describe the
sentences with the same meaning. Take the phrase as an example,
"resolve crisis (化解危機)" can be expressed in different words
"resolve difficulties (化解難關)" or " change danger into safety (化險
This dataset collects the Chinese common phrases with paraphrases.
The purpose is to collect the expressions with the same meaning but
different words. By recording the diversity of human languages, it’s
useful for computers to learn the “V-O” pairs semantically and
generate more readable Chinese articles.

[Information doc]

If interested, feel free to contact us to discuss sharing cooperation.

Please contact Chien Shan Lin (email: lcs0909.ee13@nycu.edu.tw )


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