[dataset] Self-Play Game Records of Connect6 for Advanced Level I

Self-Play Game Records of Connect6 for Advanced Level I

  1. A dataset of game records of Connect6 programs for advanced level, generated by AlphaZero self-play learning, including 1,024,027 moves in total.

    • SGF #1000 ~ #1024, including 1,024,027 moves in total (for advanced level).
  2. Description:

    • Each *.sgf file contains multiple games; each game is saved as a single line with data fields as described below.
Field Description
GM The game type, e.g., GM[7] for this dataset
FF The SGF format version, appears at the first of a SGF file, e.g., FF[4] for this dataset
B A move of black, encoding with characters A, B, ..., e.g., ;B[PD] means a move of black at Q16
W A move of white, the format is the same as that of black

SGF #1000 - #1024

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